
Scholarships & Professions

Every month we host the Korea and Japanese Meetup meeting at our center. Come and learn about the authentic cultures, arts, societies of the countries. We have the experts of the countries and you will gain the up-to-date information

Language Programs  |  Schedule & Tuition

Personalized & Small Group Classes

Celebration of Lunar New Year!

Teaching English in Korea

Requirements To Start This Intensive Training Program
  • Interview
  • Submit an English essay:
    Write about yourself and include the reasons and purposes you would like to teach English in Korea. (If you can write in Korean, you can submit in both Korean and English)
  • English/Korean placement tests
  • We require a strong mentality to take this class and to teach in Korea.
The Program
  • Tests:
    Unexpected, expected tests will be given.  (Korean and English)
    You will always study both languages diligently.
  • Deeply understand Korean culture, food, politics, economy, education to teach children to adults.
  • Role plays/Presentations
The Reason to Learn Korean Completely
  • When you understand both languages, you will figure out many ways to teach English better. You will not have a better position if you only speak English. Korean people do not want to have only English-speaking American teachers. If you want to motivate your students, be a great example to them!
What We Will Do For You?
  • We will help you find the best positions that match your capabilities and abilities.


  • Acting teachers in Korea correct your pronunciations & intonations virtually. 
  • Language Cafe -A unique Korean cafe in to help our students living in Korea. Our students can work at the cafe and can teach English. It will help them use their abilities to support themselves financially. Of course, not only can people taste mysterious teas and fantastic treats but will see high qualified performances as well.
  • When you show your great achievements academically or your activities contribute to the communities in Korea, you would be a great candidate for our scholarship programs.
  • We are continuously connecting people, companies, and non-profit organizations in Korea to help our students. When you show your great desires and put them into your actions, we will go the extra mile for you. We know it is worth it!
  • Korean House in Charlotte. (Until we have a separate space for the house, we use our present place.) You come and experience the best, authentic, genuine Korean traditional products of the masters like Korean traditional dresses, tea, and more!
  • www.wukumchi.co.kr  – One of the best actor groups in Korea. The founder of the center taught dance to the great actors. You can visit them and experience Korean acting, and see their great performances.
  • More of our friend companies will be introduced soon!

Everything About Taekwondo Terms

We know and we see you have a hard time to study and memorize all the Taekwondo terms in Korean. Without knowing Korean language or letters, you want to simply scream! But don’t worry, we are here!

This class is even for your bright future!
Korean is the language that you need to know now. 


  • Our teachers studied in the country and visit Japan every year to keep with all the changes in the country.

  • All our Japanese teachers teach the language correctly and effectively to you to prepare to use the language here or in Japan.

  • We introduce authentic Japanese culture and customs to you to understand what the Japanese expect from you.

  • We have teachers that teach in Japan and give the most accurate information to us.

  • If you need our assistance to prepare to study in Japan or take the JLPT, We will be there for you!

  • Show your great desires, efforts, and actions, we will do whatever we can do for you.

  • When you show your great achievements academically or your activities contribute to the communities in Japan, you would be a great candidate for our scholarship.

  • Genki 1, 2, short mangas, Japanese newspaper, JLPT textbooks
University of North Carolina at Charlotte now accepts credits from our language programs.

UNCC Now Accepts Credits From Our Language Programs

We are glad that more schools and places recognize what we do here.
Download your Certificate of Proficiency below.
Did you know if you study Korean or Japanese as government employees,
you can receive extra credits to be promoted faster?



We are glad to write recommendations for you to go to good colleges, apply for jobs, or receive scholarships. However, we will not compromise our standards to write a letter because you take classes with us. When we write a recommendation letter, we must feel proud of you and willing to go the extra mile. We will do anything for you when you show your great efforts and good hearts.


Here are the basic criteria for us to write recommendations for you. When you meet the requirements, we will interview you as well.
1. Take classes for at least one year with us.
2. Show hard work, good attendance, and sincerity. 
3. Test score requirement of 80% or higher- Language class students.


Thank you.
Want To Learn More or Register For A Class?
Please, email us at info@theartscenterforall.com or call us at 704-362-5597 to register for a class.

Language Schedule & Tuition


Teens & Adults: 11:00 am – 12:20 pm


Teens & Adults 6:10 pm – 7:30 pm


Temporarily Closed

Conversation Hour
Every Korean Language Student: 7:00 pm – 8:20 pm
Talk, Eat, Act like Koreans.
Yes, you will!


Children: 5:10 pm – 6:10 pm
Teens & Adults: 6:15 pm – 7:35 pm


Teens & Adults: 12:30 – 1:50 pm

Taekwondo Terminology Class


Registration fee is $45 per student.
Once a week class.

Taekwondo Terminology  – Do you need the help? We can help you! Contact us and find out more.

  • Children –  $260 (1-hour class every 4 weeks)
  • Teens/Adults$280 (every 4 weeks)
  • Paid Trial Classes – up to 2 times
  • Private Classes – Please let us know if you are interested.
Want To Learn More or Register For A Class?
Please, email us at info@theartscenterforall.com or call us at 704-362-5597 to register for a class.